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Our Mision and Vision

Our Vision

The Vision for Holywell International School is to be an educational establishment of excellence offering academic and moral training of the highest quality comparable to standards anywhere in the world.

Our Mission

The mission for Holywell International School is to identify the potential in every child and harness these potentials through the provision of the highest quality educational training. We hope to apply child centred teaching methodology to ensure that every child has the best possible chance for a brighter future.

Holywell International School hopes to achieve this through innovation and team work from our well-motivated staff, parents and most importantly our learners. Both the staff and management teams are committed to inspiring, nurturing and challenging every child to become the best that they can be.  We aim to create an environment that encourages all children to become confident, independent, critical thinkers and resilient learners with passion for innovation and discovery.

We would like every child to feel happy, safe and secure whilst in our care, so that they can strive to reach their full potential. We would like all our children to have positive self-image and be proud of their individuality and identity. 

Our mission is to ensure that every child in our school community feels valued and respected. This we hope to achieve through the example of our highly professional staff so that our children through learnt behaviour can practice kindness and empathy towards one another. 

We actively encourage all our children to learn, play and socialise together thereby developing and improving their social and interpersonal skills necessary to ensure that every child is well-prepared to play an important role in their community and generation.

The mission of Holywell international School is to create a safe, happy and nurturing environment for all our children. We would like our children to have happy childhood educational memories to spur them on to living happy and fulfilled lives as adults and hopefully help to make their communities and the world a better place than they met it.

Our Values

Here at Holywell International School, we understand and appreciates the importance of empathy, kindness, friendship and quality relationships.  Our staff know the children in our care upside-down, inside-out and back-to-front.

Our parents and their children know that Holywell International School is a place where our children are happy, safe, secured, valued, cared for, listened to, respected and welcomed. We take our duty of care towards our children very seriously ensuring that the needs of every child is prioritised and adequately met according to their uniqueness and individuality.

As a school, we believe in the one true God and believe that every child in created in the image of God with unique potentials and abilities which ought to be nurtured and developed.

The following distinguishes us from other schools:

  • Child centredness.
  • Academic excellence.
  • Respect for the dignity and individuality of each child.
  • Kindness, friendship and companionship.
  • Discipline and hard work.
  • Teamwork and working together.

To achieve the above, our curriculum is designed to develop the key values that focusses on those universal and life-long values pursued by all peace-loving and enlightened societies.

We also believe in training our children to have those essential transferable skills that will make them resourceful and successful wherever they find themselves now and in the future. These are: independence, self-regulation, temperance, respect or positive regard, resilience and the importance of respecting boundaries.

These values and skills permeate every department of our school life ensuring that all children are well-prepared for every stage of their educational journey.